Aware UI Redesign 2018
Why was the redesign important
During the prototype phase, we wanted to test out a bunch of assumptions and understand the market fit. During this testing, we tried out an array of master voices, A-B tested a few UX flows and layouts while trying a few business strategies. By the end of the first year, we documented a list of the issues in the then design and in this sprint we were going to address them.
Issues to be addressed.
1. Minimize internal dependencies on each team.
During this test period, we released about 27 courses and 50 Singles. The release process had too many variables and dependencies on various teams, like collateral and assets, reviewing the content, marketing assets. We wanted to minimize the dependencies on each team, by templatizing the approach.
2. Address 18:9 phone reachability issue.
In 2017 we saw a new taller display become insanely popular among new phones. With this came a new challenge. Reachability. We wanted to make sure our users could have one handed use of the phone.
In the previous design, the call to action buttons were placed towards the top of the screen. This turned into an issue when the 18:9 phones came about. We observed a drop in engagement on these phones.
3. Ability to take multiple courses.
In the previous design, we had mandated the Foundation course that taught the basics of the mindfulness. Many of the users either had been meditating for a while or wanted to start more focused courses without completing the Foundation course. We conducted an opinion survey, where 82% users wanted ability to do either 2 or more courses.
4. improve the engagement of Tools and other features.
We noticed the correlation between users who tired 'Ambient sounds' and 'Breathe' were more likely to subscribe to aware on yearly or monthly. A push towards these features would have helped the conversion numbers on the subscription pages.
5. Make the designs aesthetically pleasing.
"Aesthetic designs are considered better designs". We noticed a bunch of inconsistency in the previous design and wanted to build on them to make them pleasing, aesthetically. The previous version of the app was meant for quick prototyping and was shipped within a weekend to test our ideas. We barely had given the visuals any thought.
Onboarding screens.
Illustrations - Humaaans by Pablo Stanley.
user walkthrough into the first day of foundation course.
Option to sign in sorted based on the frequency of use for iOS
Player screen
Shelf stores your active courses, so you can access them quickly without decluttering your homepage.
Ambient sounds to accompany guided meditation. This help avoid long silences during the sessions.
Profile screens. Promoting upgrade and subscription
Course description screen
Homepage: Users everyday page
Singles details sceen.
Aware was acquired before we could ship this version of the app.
The dream still lives on as Roundglass Reach.