Design leader

Dares on the zoojoobe app


UX Case Study:
Designing the dare feature on Zoojoobe, 2015.


What is Zoojoobe?

Here is a quick video to help you understand Zoojoobe and what we were all about.

Watch the video here.

What is dare?

Dares are fun one to one challenges that have life span of 7 days. During a dare, two workplace friends challenge each other to compete and finish a health goal and offer rewards at stake if the other wins.

Over a span of 6 months that this feature was introduced, there were over 186,000 dares exchanged. This help us drive out internal adoption at Mindtree by about 11%.

The Process

My Process closely follows and adheres with Human-centric design's Double diamond process.

For dares we followed the same process and in the following sections you will find our implementation for this.


Information Architecture of the app

This is the overall app layout

Screenshot 2019-03-12 at 9.07.16 PM.png

Discover: Diverging

We brainstormed and collected all the possible motivations, fears, and needs for the users. This gave us a good platform to begin the process.

Based on these assumptions, we hypothesised and observed our previous implementation of the dares feature.

Screenshot 2019-03-12 at 10.54.45 AM.png
IMG_3422 copy.jpg

Define: Converging

Understanding the working constraints and user behaviors and dynamics of office relationships within the context of the office. We boiled that understanding to the following 5 points

Final Problem statements

Final Problem statements

Develop: Diverging
Stage 1: Crazy 8

We started with a crazy 8. based on our current definition and understanding of the problem, I put together a team of 4 people, (developers, product manager, and other stakeholders) to come and draw a solution for the problem on a single sheet of A4 sized paper in two minutes.

This not only helps in understanding the problem but also gathering as many possible solutions as possible. This also helps in getting a buyin to the idea by the team, since all of us contribute to the idea. We had 17 ideas by the end of the 2nd minute. We combined these ideas to create the wire frames

Stage 2: Wireframing

Here is the final idea of that we came up with for the dare creation process.

IMG_3421 copy.jpg
dares flow.png

Deliver: Converging.

Based on the idea we created a prototype and send it to a set of users within MindTree for testing. The users rated the prototype 8.0+ on a scale from 0 - 10.

We had the final solution, and with the feedback from the user group that tested the prototype, we tweaked the process. to arrive at the final solution.


All screens for Dare

Start a dare.png
Start a dare.png
Different state of tiles.png